20 lions defeated an adult elephant in the dark of night, demonstrating the power of a king of the jungle.

The lion with the scientific name Panthera leo, is a species of the cat, leopard family. In the wildlife world, they are known as the “lord of the grasslands”. Because, thanks to its superior strength along with sharp teeth and claws, this big cat can hunt and kill many other species such as wild boar, antelope, giraffe…

However, lions rarely choose elephants as prey because this species is not only too large, but also possesses terrifying strength. Even a small mistake is enough to cause any lion to suffer serious injury or lose his life.

However, in this hunt with a large number, the elephant was quickly defeated, although it tried to run away, the lions still followed and bitten.

Finally, in the night the lions had a great dinner, the big elephant helped the whole herd to have enough food.

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