A bloody and deadly battle between the “king of the jungle” lion and the “horn of death” buffalo.

The lion is the king of the jungle, the king of prey. The leader in the wildlife world.
Buffalo is a large, powerful animal, the horns are what scares all other species.
A fight broke out from here between buffalo and lion.

Lions hunting buffalo as seen on Planet Earth 2 - Aardvark Safaris
An unequal battle when the buffalo herd was surrounded on all sides and there was no way back.
The lions continuously took turns attacking, using sharp fangs to defeat the buffalo.

Incredible moment pride of EIGHT lions tackle buffalo in savage attack | The Sun
It seems that the plan of the lions is not so perfect as they continuously attack but cannot defeat.
The weight made it impossible for the buffalo to run fast and was constantly attacked.
With such constant strong pressure, the buffalo counterattacked spectacularly. Use the horns to gore the lion.

Lion impaled by horn of buffalo in South African safari | Nature | News | Express.co.uk
The attack was sudden, the lions were bewildered by this counterattack, some panicked and fled. There was a lion who continued to fight, but before the fierceness of the death horns, it was also afraid to run away.
At the end of the war, both sides suffered damage, but the lion was gored by a buffalo and seriously injured. It needs a more perfect plan to hunt its prey.