Before the brutal and cruel attack of the lion, the mother giraffe heartlessly left her baby to run away from death. The ending is so heartbreaking for the baby giraffe.

A family of giraffes today is quite unlucky when faced with life and death. Will they be able to escape? Let’s follow along.
A group of lions have seen an ideal prey and they are preparing themselves a perfect and wonderful plan. The lions had rushed in and surrounded the giraffes, they watched carefully and meticulously.

Suddenly the fight broke out, the lion jumped on the giraffe, it used its claws to scratch the body with the intention of holding the giraffe’s body.
The giraffe reacted extremely quickly, it jumped backwards to knock the lion out.
The giraffe was so busy running away that it forgot its baby to stay and the lion attacked and bitten to death on the spot.

It’s really sad when the mother giraffe chooses between life and death.