By biting a puppy to death, a leopard was surrounded by a pack of African wild dogs seeking revenge

The clip of the clash between leopards and a pack of African wild dogs was recorded by a tourist named Stu Porter during a visit to Chobe Nature Reserve (Botswana).

Stu Porter said that during his stay in Chobe, he became familiar with the presence of a pack of African wild dogs living near his residence. Therefore, on the last day at Chobe, Stu and the tour guides stopped by the dogs’ residence to see them one more time before saying goodbye. Stu Porter did not expect that this would give him the opportunity to capture an impressive natural moment.

When he arrived, Stu Porter saw a herd of African wild dogs lying down and resting, while their young animals were playing happily together. Suddenly, a leopard appeared and attacked the puppies.

An unfortunate young African wild dog, unable to escape in time, was killed by a leopard.

The pack of African wild dogs was very angry when a cub was killed, quickly surrounding the leopard in revenge.

In terms of strength, leopards can kill a single adult African wild dog, however, African wild dogs have the advantage in numbers. Not only that, African wild dogs are animals that have very good coordination between individuals in the herd when hunting or attacking enemies.

After surrounding the leopard in the middle, the African wild dogs take turns distracting the leopard so that other individuals in the herd can attack the enemy. The leopard could not withstand the continuous attacks, so he climbed a tall tree to hide.

Unable to climb the tree to chase the leopard, the pack of wild dogs still stands guard under the tree. When they saw the leopard jump down to try to escape, the pack of African wild dogs continued to surround and attack the leopard fiercely.

Stu Porter’s clip shows the helplessness of leopards in the siege of African wild dogs. The leopard expressed pain when it was repeatedly bitten by wild dogs.

Thinking that the leopard would suffer a tragic end, however, the leopard used all his remaining strength to run quickly out of the encirclement of the African wild dogs. The dogs chased the enemy, but could not keep up. The leopard fortunately escaped the “scythe of death” and was only injured after a clash with a pack of African wild dogs.