Cobra and mongoose are dragged into a life-and-death battle, so that no one survives the battle.

After delivering a fatal bite that killed the cobra, the mongoose also suffered a tragic end.

In the clip, a jungle cobra, also known as a black cobra, is fighting to the death with a mongoose.

A famous killer with fatal blows, the cobra has the ability to knock down enemies hundreds of times his size with a single bite containing venom.

Confident with its almost “invincible” ability, the cobra did not show any hesitation in this confrontation.

Meanwhile, due to its rather small size, even though it actively attacked, the mongoose was still unable to defeat the poisonous snake.

The two had a long tug of war. Finally, after many unsuccessful attempts to finish the opponent, the mongoose launched a fatal bite, aimed directly at the opponent’s head.

It is worth mentioning that despite killing the cobra, the mongoose also had to give up its gills soon after.