Efforts to rescue the “brother” of the wild dogs from the destructive power of the Lion King

Recently, a dramatic event took place and was recorded by Nhlanhla Nkuna, a tour guide at the reserve.

That day, while on a sightseeing trip, Mr. Nhlanhla Nkuna and his group accidentally witnessed a rare scene. A large male lion was resting under a sparse canopy of trees, when suddenly a small antelope ran past. The sudden appearance of small prey stimulates the lion’s hunting instinct. However, before anything could be done, the antelope disappeared into the bushes.

Things started to get dramatic when the lion discovered a pack of wild dogs rushing through the area, clearly chasing the antelope. Wild dogs, inherently engrossed in prey, do not know that they are approaching their mortal enemy.

The African wild dog (scientific name Lycaon pictus) is one of the most feared predators in Africa. They live in herds with high social organization and discipline. This is one of the outstanding features that helps them survive in harsh environments with much larger and more dangerous predators.

When it comes to hunting prey, African wild dogs are considered by zoologists to be the “best” species with an almost perfect set of skills. If even expert predators such as lions and hyenas have a hunting success rate of about 30%, then for African wild dogs this rate reaches 80%.

However, in the wild, in addition to being a talented and outstanding hunter, animals must also always be vigilant to protect their achievements from other wild animals.

The bush became an ideal hiding place for the lion when it used its superior strength to attack. The first wild dog had no time to react when the lion rushed out and squeezed its neck with its giant fangs. The wild dog’s scream rang out, causing the rest of the pack to rush forward.

Realizing the danger, the two remaining wild dogs tried to put pressure on the lion by barking and growling fiercely, then two more teammates arrived to assist. However, the harsh truth is that they cannot do anything more to rescue their fellow humans. The lion’s strength is too great compared to four wild dogs.

The confrontation ended in vain when the stray dog was seriously injured and slowly exhausted. The remaining stray dogs, although in pain but helpless, could only stand and watch their brothers sadly leave their lives. The lion, after making sure its prey no longer had the strength to resist, slowly relaxed and began its meal.

The above incident is not only a testament to the strength and harsh survival instinct in the natural world, but also a profound lesson about solidarity and desperate efforts to protect each other among members. in a pack of wild dogs. Although the outcome may not have been as expected, the brave actions of the two remaining stray dogs are a testament to deep brotherhood – a valuable characteristic that humans can learn.