Faced with a large number of lions, the buffalo showed no fear but used its sharp horns to knock the predator away. At the same time, other buffaloes in the herd also ran to help, causing the lions to panic and run away.

This dramatic scene was recorded at Motswari nature reserve (South Africa).

In the clip, an adult African buffalo is being defeated by a herd of lions and is about to be eaten. Discovering that a fellow animal was in trouble, a wild buffalo immediately rushed to the rescue.

Faced with a large number of lions, the buffalo showed no fear but used its sharp horns to knock the predator away. At the same time, other buffaloes in the herd also ran to help, causing the lions to panic and run away. The poor buffalo, even though part of its stomach was torn open, still tried to get up and move towards its herd.

Thanks to the timely help of fellow humans, the wild buffalo was lucky to escape death. However, with serious injuries caused by the lions, it was difficult for it to survive.

The African wild buffalo, also known as the Cape buffalo, is one of the five major animals on the continent along with lions, leopards, rhinos and elephants. This buffalo can weigh 1,000 kg. Some experts estimate they kill 200 people a year. Wild buffalo are widely distributed in eastern and southern Africa.

In fact, wild buffalo are not creatures that are easy to bully in Africa. If a lion hunts alone and subjectively, it is entirely possible that it will be seriously injured or even die. Therefore, when hunting wild buffalo, lions often follow the herd, choosing the lone or weakest animal for easy slaughter. However, if the buffalo herds gather together to protest, things will become much more difficult.