Fierce Life-And-Death Battle! Angry Zebra Counterattack And Bites The Lion’s Jaw Off To Rescue Calf

Zebras are one of the lion’s favorite prey. However, to hunt this large prey, lions will have to move in groups and work together to separate them from the herd, and then join forces to defeat them.

In many cases, when the number of individuals in a herd of zebras is overwhelming, lions have to risk their fate and run the risk of being trampled to death by them.

Seeing the zebra and her mother go to find food, the 2 lions were lurking and waiting for the right time to attack. Due to the lack of experience and the sudden “ambush”, the ponies were easily captured.

Seeing her son standing in front of the line between life and death, the mother zebra risked her life to attack the lion. The mother zebra used her jaws to bite the lion, trying to pull the lion away to save the baby.

However, all efforts of the mother zebra failed to turn around. After being unable to do anything about the lion for a while, the mother zebra left in despair and the lion killed and ate the baby zebra.