Great War! Cobra Used Powerful Venom Destroy Poor Lion Family And Was Suddenly Attacked By Eagle.

A fight broke out between the lion and the cobra.

Lions Vs King Cobra Fight To Death - Lion Cubs Escaped From Snake Hunting  And Returned With Mother - YouTube
With the hobby and knack of hunting lions, they are always not afraid of any animals. A cobra is no exception to them. Curious about this reptile, the lion approached to poke and tease the cobra. The lion did not know that he had hit the stingray.

Lion Vs Snake | Wild animals videos, Animals wild, Snake
When the cobra was teased and played by the lion, it tried to escape but the lion refused to let it go and had to use venom to spray on the lion. Being sprayed with venom in the face, the lion was taken by surprise and did not have time to dodge, and the cobra managed to escape.
Thought to escape the lion, an eagle came to attack the cobra, the eagle pecked and took the cobra away.

How Eagle Attacks King Cobra In A Big Fights- Sky Animal - YouTube
It is true that the cobra has an unlucky fate.