Lɩoп Jumps Iпto The Rɩveг To Stop The Gɩaпt Cгocodɩle So That The Cubs Caп Cross The Rɩveг Safely

Photographer Pia Dierickx, from Antwerp (Belgium), recorded a rare moment in nature about the fighting ability of a group of lions to cross a river controlled by crocodiles, in an animal sanctuary. Okavanga Delta wilderness in Botswana.

The 48-year-old female photographer said that while she was observing and taking photos of female lions and their cubs walking leisurely on the riverbank, suddenly a female lion waded into the river before the fight occurred. Fierce fight between it and a crocodile.

“I spotted a female lion gently walking into the river, then she jumped out of the water and pounced on the crocodile. I quickly took my camera and captured a unique moment of a fight between lions and lions. lions and crocodiles,” Ms. Pia Dierickx recounted on Daily Mail.

While the lioness fought to control the ferocious crocodile, the other lionesses and their cubs swam across the river and to the other bank. When she realized that the herd members had safely crossed the river, the lioness decided to stop fighting with the crocodile and jumped ashore, with a slight wound in her mouth.