Lion broke into people’s house and took a 75kg dog at night

The attack occurred in a residential area on the outskirts of Nirobi, Kenya and was recorded on CCTV.

In the clip, the lion jumped onto a fence and broke into a house. Just a moment later, the big cat jumped over the fence again with a dog in its mouth. The prey the lion caught was a Rottweiler dog named Jaci, weighing 75 kg, who had lived with Sylvia Wamai’s family for nearly 2 years.

Jaci’s owner, Sylvia Wamai, said the lioness’ attack took less than 10 minutes. “It didn’t even take 10 minutes. Just like that, we lost our dog,” she told the BBC.

Sylvia pointed out where the big cat walked around her property, even pointing out the paw prints it left on the high walls of the property. She and her family were at home the night of the attack but were powerless to stop the ferocious beast.

“We were shocked because we were outside looking for our dog and the lioness was just a few meters from the gate,” Sylvia continued.

Joshua Isigi, a worker at the family’s compound, said he turned around to face the monster. “I took a machete and scraped it against some iron plates to scare the lion,” he said.

Syliva’s home is near a national park, and she said while it’s common to spot wild animals, it’s rare for lions to jump fences and catch dogs. The attack left Syliva and her family shocked and saddened.

Local authorities said they were dealing with the issue, the BBC reported.

African lions (Panthera leo) are distributed mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. This is the only cat species in the world that lives in groups. Male lions protect the territory of the pride and females are the main hunters. Their prey includes antelopes, zebras, wildebeests and some other mammals.