Looking at the baby antelope in pain calling for help, the mother wildebeest ferociously fights and destroys the leopard to protect her cubs.

Wildebeest is a special animal because of its strange shape, combining the head and horns of a cow, a horse’s tail with a highlight of a long black plumage. However, they also do not belong to the breed of cows or horses but belong to the antelope family, whose scientific name is Connochaetes Gnou.

Wildebeest often live in large herds, in many cases they even pair with zebra herds to create a strong community, thereby reducing the risk of being hunted by predators.

With a relatively large number of individuals in the wild, wildebeest are an important source of food for animals such as lions, leopards, hyenas, crocodiles…

However, not in all cases wildebeest is doomed to become a meal for predators. Like in the clip filmed at Maasai Mara National Reserve, in Kenya, will show us the brave image of the mother wildebeest who dared to stand up against the vicious leopard to protect his child.

Accordingly, a mother and baby wildebeest couple were walking around looking for food in the meadow when they caught the eye of a leopard nearby.

With adeptness drawn from years of hunting experience, the leopard slowly crept through the bushes, close to its prey.

Quite fortunate for the leopard because between it and the wildebeest pair there is a natural, recessed trench in the ground that makes the process of approaching its prey easy, quick and difficult to detect. more present.

When it is close to the prey, the leopard just needs to wait for the moment when the antelope pair is off guard, it will use its powerful weapon of speed and sharp claws to knock it down.

The next event took place almost exactly according to the scenario the leopard had outlined. When the time came, it suddenly attacked, choosing the right object, the smaller wildebeest, to strike. However, what was beyond the hunter’s expectation was the sacred and noble love of a mother for her own blood and flesh.

That has created the absolute strength for the mother wildebeest, making it no longer afraid of any force, despite the danger, rushing towards the hunter and using its horns. sharp, can reach more than 60 cm long to attack leopards.

Faced with a fierce attack of the wildebeest, the leopard had no choice but to “put its legs on its neck” and run away. After successfully repelling the enemy, the mother antelope immediately returned to comfort her young that almost lost her life.