Mother buffalo tortures and defeats a lion with powerful stabs with her sharp horns to save her calf.

The lion is one of the most feared carnivores across the grasslands of Africa. Thanks to their superior strength, plus possessing sharp teeth and claws, they can defeat many other animals for food.

Seeing the calves lying under the lion’s claws, the adult buffalo immediately rushed to chase and knock the hunter into the air.

Specifically, while wandering in search of food, a herd of wild buffaloes caught the eye of a male lion. As soon as he realized that the opportunity had come, the hunter immediately pursued and tried to kill a calf.

Witnessing the scene where the calf is falling to the door of death, an adult buffalo immediately rushed forward, knocking the hunter to rescue his fellow.

Stunned by the opponent’s attack, the lion can only leave its prey and immediately run away.

However, the adult buffalo still did not let go of the lion. It angrily chased after the hunter, used its sharp horns to ram the lion’s body and then lifted it into the air.

Fortunately, the lion was still able to get up and quickly ran away to save his life.