Omg! Lion’s Leg Was Bitten Off By Hyena During A Fierce Confrontation Over Food.

The lion is known as the king of the jungle and is the enemy of many animals.
A war for food took place extremely fierce and killing each other.

Lions vs. Hyenas: When Hyenas Won't Back Down from a Lion Pride
The lion with his strength, with the talent of hunting, defeated the buffalo easily.
It was enjoying the fruits of its work, enjoying a delicious meal, when suddenly from a distance a herd of hyenas came running with the intention of stealing the lion’s food.

Lions vs. Hyenas: When Hyenas Won't Back Down from a Lion Pride
Unable to let the food he earns return for others to enjoy, the lion has decided to fight the hyenas.
With the advantage of their one herd, the hyenas rushed to attack the lion fiercely, the lion did not suffer from weakness but rushed to attack back.

Lions versus Hyenas | ZDF Studios
The lion continuously rushed into the encirclement of the hyenas formed, but because the herd was too large, the strength of the lion could not resist. After a while of fighting, the lion was defeated.
The hyenas successfully took the delicious food from the lions to their hands.