Perseverance will pay off, the hyena chases the zebra until the zebra is exhausted and rushes to attack, brutally biting the zebra’s abdominal cavity.

The hyena was on a hunt when its prey was extremely fat zebras, an ideal food came to mind.

The chase started, the hyenas rushed out to chase the zebras, although the speed could not catch up, but they rushed towards the final goal.

When the zebras saw the hyenas, they panicked and ran as fast as they could, because they knew that if they didn’t run, they would become delicious food for the hyenas.

The smoke and dust flying everywhere shows that this is an extremely fierce match, both sides are trying their best to achieve results for themselves.

With extremely resilient fighting strength, the hyena is determined to pursue to the end, the exhausted zebra is also the time when the hyena has achieved the results.

The hyena rushed to knock it down, mercilessly biting the zebra’s body.