Poor mother: the giraffe tried to fight with 10 lions to protect her baby, but in the end both mother and child had to die under the claws of the lions.

Giraffes are a special animal, recognized as the tallest mammal in the world thanks to their long legs and lanky neck. This herbivore species lives mainly in deserts, sparse forests, and savannas and is found almost exclusively in Africa.

Unlike elephants, their large shape puts giraffes at many disadvantages. Although they only drink water every few days, every time they move to a water source, they often have to kneel, crouch and bend their necks, making giraffes vulnerable to predators like lions. death, leopard… in the African desert.

However, when placed on the boundary between life and death, miracles can still happen, like in the story below.

Businessman Timo Werner witnessed a heart-stopping scene during a trip to the Xai Xai nature camp, Botswana.

Xai Xai area is located near the Chobe River, where there are many towering treetops with golden sand beaches spread all around.

That day, while driving to the resort, the charming scenery along the road made the group of tourists feel extremely comfortable. Although I did not expect to find anything unusual on the journey, a group of lions nevertheless attracted everyone’s attention.

Unlike other species in the cat family, lions rarely hunt independently but gather in groups, including many females. Each female lion will have a unique role in the group. Flexibility in arrangement makes lion groups extremely elite when hunting, able to take down large prey such as buffalo, wildebeest or even elephants and giraffes. …

It is easy to recognize the head lion of the herd, because of its majestic and majestic appearance, with a very thick and erect mane on the neck, which protects the neck area when fighting and attracts the affection of the lion. children. The older the male lion, the darker his mane.

Female lions will be smaller in size and more agile, suitable for hiding and stalking, so they will mostly take on the task of hunting.

The peace of the land quickly disappeared when the lions discovered the presence of the giraffe mother and baby. With incredible professionalism, the lions quickly switched to hunting mode. Each languid step has been replaced by quick running steps. Almost immediately, the baby giraffe was taken down. This angered the mother giraffe nearby. It decided to fight the enemy, but that was not a wise thought.