Rare scene: monkey deliberately teases giant python underwater and the ending

Instead of leaving to avoid confrontation, the monkey showed aggression, proactively attacking the opponent first. It was this stupid action that caused him to pay a very high price.Just a few minutes later, the monkey was squeezed by the giant python. Even though it tried to struggle, it still couldn’t get out. As a result, 1 hour later, the monkey was swallowed whole by the python.

Reticulated pythons are ambush predators, specializing in camouflage in bushes and waiting for prey to wander closer. Like other pythons, reticulated pythons are non-venomous and do not kill their prey with a bite. Bite is only to hold the prey tightly, while killing is done by wrapping the python’s large body around the prey to squeeze it to death.

Similar to many other snakes, reticulated pythons can expand their jaws to swallow prey as large as 1/4 of their body length.

Although reticulated pythons are strong enough to kill humans, they are not considered dangerous animals to humans and attacks on people are very rare.