Releasing the snake Bungarus fasciatus into the King Cobra cage and the scary ending

The krait is one of the species with terrible, “untreatable” venom. This snake’s venom contains neurotoxins, causing vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and death 15 minutes later.

However, in the battle with the king cobra, venom is not everything!

The king cobra is a snake that specializes in eating other poisonous snakes, even a large rock python is not its opponent. The reason they can eat many other poisonous snakes is because of their immunity to venom.

It’s not difficult to understand that it can easily defeat a krait whose venom is 15 times stronger than it!

Even though it bit back the cobra, the krait still could not leave the king cobra unharmed.

In response to the scorpion’s pecks, the king cobra bit off its opponent’s head, causing the poisonous snake to suffocate and die.

The krait is destined to become the “happy lunch” of the king cobra boss.

King cobra is a snake belonging to the Elapidae family (cobra family), distributed mainly in tropical forests, stretching from India to Southeast Asia. This is the longest venomous snake in the world, with a maximum length recorded in the wild of 7m.

King cobras are considered dangerous and scary within their range, although this snake usually does not actively attack humans.

According to experts, king cobras have the ability to kill victims, through a bite containing 200 – 500mg of venom.

In some cases, it can spit out up to 7ml of venom. This is the amount of venom that can kill an African elephant in a few hours and kill 20 adult men.