Running to shore in time, the hyena was lucky to escape the hippo’s death bite.

Tour guide Carlos Ismail was leading a tour in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, when he spotted a hyena wading through a puddle.

The tense footage shows the hyena approaching behind a seemingly motionless hippo, half of the animal’s body submerged under a layer of algae.

After the hyena touched the hippo, the large animal began to move. Seeing that, the hyena immediately turned around and left. At this moment, the hippo also turned its large body around and chased the troublesome animal out of the water. It even almost captures its opponent with its powerful jaws.

Carlos said: “This hyena was very lucky. It hunted by itself and probably thought the hippo was dead and would be an easy meal.

It was able to escape before being caught in the hippo’s giant jaws. I have been a tour guide for 9 years and have never witnessed anything like this before. Although I did see a hippo chasing a lioness. They are not afraid of anything.”

Many people still believe that hippos have a lovely chubby appearance, but the truth is that they are extremely scary. Hippos are very aggressive, once in pursuit they rarely give up, and their bite force is enough to kill both lions and crocodiles. Hippos can even chew a whole watermelon like you would a grape.