Rushing into the lake to escape a pack of wild dogs, the antelope met a tragic end when it fell into the jaws of a hippopotamus

Ranked among the deadliest animals in Africa, so, by accident or purpose, any animal that strays into hippopotamus territory is unlikely to be safe. but leave.

A video recorded the scene, the antelope, fleeing the pursuit of a pack of warlike wild dogs, rushed straight to the riverbank, where a hippo was soaking in water.

But unlike the usual hot-tempered, somewhat impatient behavior, the hippo in the clip seems to be trying to help, pulling the antelope to a safe area, away from the hounds’ claws. .

However, the hippopotamus did not expect its strength to be too great for the antelope’s endurance.

It used its teeth to try to bring the antelope to safety, but the force of the bite was so strong that it accidentally killed the antelope.

The hippo then dragged the antelope up to the shore. Although trying his best to protect the antelope against the aggressive wild dogs.

However, the hippopotamus could not do anything in the end and let the bewildered dogs eat the antelope carcass.