Seeing the female lion struggling with the wild buffalo, the male lion innocently rushed to mate with the female lion in front of tourists.

In the clip, a female lion jumps on the back of an adult wild buffalo and tries to take down its prey.

The surprising thing was that the male lion nearby just stood there watching the female lion alone wrestle with the wild buffalo without coming in to help. Witnessing this scene, most visitors were surprised by the male lion’s reaction to his partner.

In the end, despite her best efforts, the lioness still could not defeat the giant prey.

In a pride, female lions (Panthera leo) are usually in charge of hunting, while male lions are responsible for protecting the herd from danger or destroying competitors. Each herd will have two to three adult males living with the females. They are often brothers, or have just joined the flock, forming alliances to protect their children.

Lions are superb predators and top predators thanks to their abundant prey populations. However, contrary to what many people think, male lions do not often hunt, but females are the main hunters.

Their primary prey are other mammals, especially medium to large ungulates, including plains zebras, blue wildebeest, African buffalo, and antelopes. Gemsbok, giraffes, hippos and even juvenile African bush elephants.