Shocking clip shows a pet dog named Holly Jolly being attacked by a mountain lion in her yard in California (USA). The dog then fought back and incredibly survived.

In the clip recorded by the camera, the 3-year-old schnauzer was seen stepping outside to go to the bathroom at around 9 p.m. on February 17 when the cougar suddenly appeared.

Holly Jolly was on alert as the growling predator approached. Immediately afterwards, the wild animal rushed forward and tried to pin the dog to the ground with its jaws.

“We heard a noise and my husband said, ‘Is that Holly?'” Nicole shared with KTLA.

However, she thought it was the sound of the TV. While her husband still insisted that it was the voice of Holly the dog.

After realizing the horrifying howls and cries were coming from their backyard, Nicole and her husband, Steve, began screaming to try to scare the mountain lion away from their 42kg pet dog.

The couple said the terrifying attack only lasted about a minute and it was the first time a mountain lion had come close to their family. Even though their neighborhood is full of wildlife including bears, coyotes, and rattlesnakes.

Holly was taken to the vet for treatment of scratches and wounds that required stitches but her family said the dog is recovering well.

The family shared a clip of the alarming attack to warn neighbors of the danger.Steve said: “We wanted to let all our neighbors know that this animal is so bold that it can jump meters and attack a dog almost its own size.

Steve said he planned to go with Holly into the backyard at night to make sure their beloved pet was safe.