Stupid lion! A lion recklessly hunted alone and his stomach was punctured by the head buffalo.

A dramatic scene recorded at the Mala Mala wildlife reserve (South Africa) shows the resistance and strength of the wild buffalo, causing even the “lord of all species” to surrender.

In the video, it can be seen that although the male lion tried very hard to sink its teeth and claws into its prey, it was still fiercely resisted by the wild buffalo, and at the same time fatally gored it many times.

After a long fight, the lion was seriously injured and so weak that it collapsed to the ground, while the buffalo seemed unharmed. Before that, it could also be seen that this lion seemed to have been starved for many days. It was just skin and bones, and trembling with hunger.

Even so, the lion still refused to give up its prey. Every time the buffalo turns away or is caught off guard, the lion leaps up and attacks the animal from behind. However, because he had lost most of his strength and was weak from hunger, the lion was easily thrown back and forth by the buffalo “like a puppet”.

In the second half of the video, a few more members of the herd came to help, causing the lion to lose and continue to receive many more painful blows.

The result was not unexpected, when the lion was gored to the point that it only had enough strength to lie down and breathe in one place, while the wild buffalo calmly walked away.