Taking advantage of the weak health of the mother buffalo who had just given birth, the lions rushed to kidnap the young buffalo and received the result of the mother’s savage revenge.

We will witness a very sacred maternal love of a mother buffalo in the way of protecting her newborn baby.

A herd of buffalo is living together in a meadow, a mother buffalo has just given birth to a young buffalo, when the lions that have targeted immediately take advantage of this opportunity to attack and capture the young buffalo.

They attacked, captured the newborn buffalo, and separated it from its mother. Before that attack, the mother buffalo was extremely angry even though her body was still weak after giving birth, but she risked her life to attack and use her horns to knock the lions up. It alone fought fiercely with the lions.

In the face of the buffalo’s anger and fighting, the lions, although outnumbered, were unsuccessful in catching their prey. And the mother buffalo successfully protects her newborn baby.