Thanks to his quick thinking, the injured wild buffalo had a spectacular escape from the hyenas.

This unbelievable scene was recorded at the Sabi Sand wildlife reserve, South Africa.

In the clip, an injured wild buffalo is wandering alone in the grassland. Immediately, the hyenas discovered their prey and quickly stalked them to find an opportunity to attack.

When seeing its prey lose its guard, the hyena immediately rushed forward and attacked fiercely. Knowing that he could not deal with the enemy, the wild buffalo quickly ran into the nearby lake to defend himself. At this time, the hyenas appeared afraid and did not dare to enter the water to approach their prey.

A few hours later, the hyenas had to give up. After making sure the hunters had left, the buffalo dared to climb ashore.

Hyenas are quite intelligent and cunning animals. They have the habit of hunting in groups and are active at night. Although considered a scavenger, hyenas are in fact extremely effective predators. Hyenas’ favorite prey include: zebra, wildebeest or wild buffalo.

In Africa, hyenas are second only to lions in strength in one-on-one close combat. Even large animals are no match for them when it comes to quantity over quality. The hyena’s main weapon when hunting is its large jaws and sharp teeth. Once tormented by hunger, hyenas will not hesitate to attack and eat anything in front of them, including their own kind.

However, during this hunt, the hyenas still could not overcome the clever improvisation ability of their prey.