The bison sadly came to the tiger to surrender his life, calmly let the tiger bite without protest

In a large field covered with bushes and weeds, a tiger is preparing for its hunt. The sun shines through the dense forest, creating faint lights between the gaps in the leaves. The tiger, with its colorful striped coat and clear eyes, carefully approached a bison grazing in the distance. Its steps were light and quiet, like a ghost moving among the trees.

When the tiger approached, it stopped and watched its prey from a distance. It knows it needs to pick the perfect moment to strike. The tiger’s muscles are full of strength, ready for a quick and precise attack. With a long and flexible jump, the tiger suddenly rushed towards the bison. The bison, a rather large creature with curved horns and a sturdy body, struggled to fight back. But the strength and speed of the tiger overwhelmed quickly.

It jumped on the back of the bison and bit its neck with its sharp teeth. The battle between the two wild creatures happened in the blink of an eye, and in the end the tiger won. With its prey in its mouth, it left the bushes and returned to the deep forest to enjoy its meal. The hunt of the tiger is a war of skill and sophistication. It is a symbol of strength and ruthlessness in the wild world, when prey faces the danger of losing their lives at any moment.
