The bloody and deadly hunt of 1000 African wild dogs and the end for wildebeest.

African wild dogs are diurnal antelope hunters, catching them by chasing them until they are exhausted.

African Wild Dog Fact Sheet | Blog | Nature | PBS

It’s time, the pack of African wild dogs join forces, unite to chase their prey.

A chase broke out from here, which looked like a running competition but was actually a life-and-death battle.
The wildebeest were attacked from all sides, fleeing before the dangerous attack of the African wild dogs.
With determination to chase their prey to the end, the pack of African wild dogs caught a prey.

Wild dogs show off pack-hunting skills as they trap a wildebeest | How it works | Earth Touch News
Wildebeest struggled to escape, but it seemed that they did not escape the fate of becoming a delicious food for African wild dogs.
In the hunt for prey, the wild dogs had a delicious meal, worthy of the results of their determination to hunt.