The bloody hunt of the “Lord of the Forest” – the lion. And a tragic ending for the zebra.

In the world of wildlife, the lion is the king of the jungle, the enemy of many animals.

Lion vs Zebra: Who Would Win in a Fight? - AZ Animals
Continuing the hunting journey, the lion has targeted the zebra.
The lion hides and waits for the right moment to pin down its prey.
Not seeing the approaching danger, the zebras still went on calmly.
Suddenly the lion rushed out and grabbed the zebra. Being suddenly attacked, the lion did not have time to run away.

Predator-Prey Relationships - Kruger National Park
The zebra struggled to free itself from the lion’s claws. It seemed that the more they went, the tighter they were being squeezed by the lion.
The lion’s sharp teeth pinned the zebra’s neck.
The wounds were further torn under the lion’s teeth.
After struggling for a while, the zebra was exhausted and they accepted to be a delicious meal for the lion.

Amazing:Lion ambushes zebra - YouTube
The lion had a successful hunt.