The cheetah used a great flying technique to catch and kill an antelope in mid-air

Cheetahs are always a symbol of speed, they are the fastest creatures on the planet if only on land. But not only does it have dizzying accelerations, cheetahs also surprise us with their lightning reflexes and unique ability to improvise.

As in the case below in the Biyamiti Weir area, in the Kruger National Park wildlife reserve, an adult cheetah showed off all its strengths in antelope hunting.

From afar, if one is not paying attention, it is difficult for anyone to realize that there is a hunting leopard pressing its body close to the ground while moving. It slowly and carefully approached the antelope herd’s area, every step being very gentle so as not to alert its prey.

As soon as it reaches a suitable distance, the leopard changes state and is ready to accelerate quickly to catch its prey. The herd of antelopes ran wildly, one of them suddenly “steering” while running with the purpose of making the hunter unaware and creating an opportunity to escape.

However, it’s a pity for it when its opponent is an experienced cheetah. Although a bit surprised by the antelope’s move, the cheetah almost immediately “steering” to catch its prey right in mid-air.