The “cold-bloodedness” of crocodiles is perhaps too obvious through the way they hunt, cold, decisive and extremely strong.

The moment a giant crocodile devoured an antelope on a section of the Kenya River was captured by a photographer’s lens.

The predatory crocodile made a lightning attack when a herd of antelope crossed a river in Kenya, Longroom reported yesterday.

Photographer Clifford Knight recorded the scene of Thompson’s antelope lying completely in the crocodile’s sharp teeth.

“I noticed a family of three Thompson’s gazelles on the riverbank. They bent down to drink water looking worried. A female gazelle decided to cross the river and bravely led the way,” Knight said.

According to the photographer, when she reached deeper water, the female gazelle saw the giant crocodile rushing through the water towards her. It jumped frantically, struggling to find a way to swim upstream and climb ashore to find a way to escape.

Although the female antelope managed to keep her life at the last minute, the male following her across the river of death was not so lucky. It rushed into the crocodile’s direction and had no way to escape when it came right in front of the fierce predator’s mouth.

“I felt my heart clench when I heard the antelope’s panicked cries and the sound of its bones breaking in the crocodile’s jaws, especially when it seemed to be looking straight at me, begging for help. Death came. with it quickly and ruthlessly,” Knight shared.

“The whole scene happened and ended within 15 minutes, making my heart heavy all day,” Knight said.