The crazy anger of the rhinoceros, using its “horns of death” to rush through the stupid lion’s body.

A war between rhinos and lions took place extremely cruel.

An unfortunate rhinoceros fell into a swamp, from a distance the lions saw it and took this opportunity to run around and surround the rhino with the intention of hunting it for a delicious meal.
The rhinoceros was squirming in the swamp trying to get up, and had to confront the lions, the lions had always rushed in to attack it, when the rhino had climbed up, the lions had very quickly rushed to attack, some of them used sharp claws to scratch the rhino’s body.

Once ashore, the rhinoceros did not give the lions many opportunities to attack, it rushed out using its horns to rush at the lions with a fighting spirit.
Seeing the rhino’s anger, the lions were frightened and ran away.