The crocodile’s 1000 sharp teeth failed miserably to get 1000kg buffalo.

Swamp where the water is extremely cool, favorable for many animals.
Buffalo is an animal that likes to soak in cool water. The whole family will go to a swamp together.
But the buffaloes do not know that it is the territory of the fierce crocodiles.

How Crocodile Hunt Buffalo At The River ? - YouTube
While the buffalo were dipping together, some were playing, when suddenly a crocodile’s sharp teeth popped out of the water.

Full-grown Buffalo Grabs Crocodile By Its Nose, Drags It Out Of Water
The buffaloes panicked and ran away, but the crocodile was faster, it quickly grabbed a buffalo and started dragging it into the water.
But the strength of a crocodile is not equal to a large adult buffalo.
Despite being bitten by the crocodile’s sharp teeth, the buffalo quickly pulled the crocodile to the shore.

Can Crocodile Eat A Big Buffalo At The River ? - YouTube
The crocodile still stubbornly refused to release the buffalo, until it was pulled ashore, where it was not its territory, it could only release the buffalo and return to its swamp.