The extremely thrilling hunt of the leopard and the tragic and poor death of the wildebeest.

Today, the leopard family will hunt and find delicious food.
Today the cheetahs’ target is wildebeest.

Leopard Gets the Easiest Kill of its Life on Clueless Baby Wildebeest
For the most successful hunting, the cheetahs were divided into activities, began to observe the wildebeest closely and they took slow, slow steps so as not to be alarmed. wildebeests.

Battle between Leopard & Wildebeest mother over Calf - YouTube
And surprisingly, the leopard galloped up to the wildebeest and jumped up to grab the prey’s neck tightly. Because of the surprise, the wildebeest struggled, trying to escape the bite.
After catching the wildebeest, other cheetahs also came to help.

A leopard and cubs on a fresh wildebeest calf kill | Jami Tarris Photography
After a while, the wildebeest stopped moving, it was torn by leopards.