The fierce and bloody battle for the life of two species of hyena and zebra.

Hyenas can chase prey for long distances when running at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour (60 kilometers per hour).

Spotted hyena and zebras in the Ngorongoro Crater – Ngorongoro Hyena Project
Hyenas usually choose the weak or weak in the herd, but they can kill even healthy adult ungulates.
In this case, the male zebra was able to recall the persistent predator.
The hyena continuously attacked, using its sharp teeth to knock down the zebra.
With a larger body, that is the advantage of zebras, they are not inferior and have counterattacks, in order to take the opportunity to live for themselves.

Extinction Illustrated — Spotted hyena hunting zebra. Photo: Uwe Skrzypczak
After turning around for a while, the zebra used a strategy of its own.
In the end, there is no win or lose.
Predicting the outcome, perhaps the hyenas will fail at the hands of the zebras.