The fierce and deadly battle of “Speed ​​King”. Fury of zebra mother losing her baby.

The natural world always revolves around survival, in order for life to continue, the maintenance of life is always concerned.
In the vast grasslands inhabited by wild animals, the presence of leopards is a danger to herbivores.The leopard appeared to prepare to hunt for its meal.

Leopard | Panthera
Before the danger of the leopard, the zebras fled before the fierce pursuit of that man.

Zebra - ZooBorns
Leopards are extremely intelligent, because of their small body, they do not choose to hunt the big ones in the herd but focus on the weak ones, especially young zebras.
The ill-fated young zebra was quickly captured by the leopard.

Leopard Causes Baby Zebra To Slip on Road
The mother zebra repeatedly attacked to save her cubs but failed, before the leopard’s sharp fangs and claws.
It’s a pity for the young zebra to fall prey to the leopard, and a pity for the mother to lose her cubs.