The great strength of unity, the buffalo rushed like the wind, using its horns to brutally attack the lion to rescue its comrades.

A pitiful and poor buffalo, it got lost in the herd unfortunately fell into the cruel trap of the lions.

It was surrounded from all sides, the lions surrounded it with no way out, some of them jumped on the buffalo, biting it with their teeth, it tried to find a way out but could not face the pressure. island of lions.

The buffalo tried its best, it cried out pitifully as if it wanted its comrades to come and rescue it. Really lucky for it, its comrades saw it in trouble, that buffalo rushed up quickly, with a strong spirit, an extremely angry face, the head containing the death horns rushed to ram the crowd. lion.
Seeing such a spirit, the lions panicked and let go of the buffalo before being stabbed to death by another buffalo.