The lions are fierce, rushing to attack and capture the elephant in a brutal way. And the unexpected ending at the last moment.

Once the attack had taken place, the lion made the big decision to hunt a juvenile elephant. Will it succeed in this?
An immature young elephant, walking through the forest in search of food, will not know that danger is near. From afar, the lion took aim at the elephant and it began to devise a perfect plan to hunt the elephant easily.

The lions watched the elephant closely, making no noise to attract the elephant’s attention. And the opportunity came, it rushed out like a rocket, the elephant was surprised, did not have time to run, was grabbed by the lion, it used sharp teeth to bite the elephant’s neck so that it could not struggling with a protest hose. Under the size of the adult elephant, the lion struggled in this, the elephant protested strongly, but it was unlucky when the lion’s comrades arrived.

The ill-fated elephant became delicious food for the hungry lions.