The mother antelope weakly and painfully watched her baby being attacked and butchered by the baboons, unable to resist.

A fight between the baboon and the mother impala took place.
Due to her negligence, the mother impala lost her baby and did not expect that the baboon had taken that child with the intention of making a meal.

The mother impala was looking for her child when she saw that her child was facing the baboon’s pursuit, immediately it rushed over, the mother impala rushed to rescue the child, it used The legs continued to tease the baby, using the head to attack the baboon.
But this baboon was quite large and aggressive, it immediately responded, hitting the mother imla with her hand. With its weak strength, the mother impala could not counterattack but was also hit by the baboon.

The baboon was extremely cruel, it ate meat and tore the body of the baby impala in a painful way.