The poor young buffalo struggled in the life-and-death siege created by the hyenas. And the tragic ending!

On the vast green grassland, the buffalo lost its mother wandering, lifeless as if hoping to find her mother.
From a distance, the hyenas saw the young buffalo, a hunting plan was started.
The hyenas began to chase the young buffalo, the young buffalo’s face was extremely panicked and scared, it tried to run so as not to be caught by the hyenas.

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The hyena is extremely intelligent, it herds young buffalo from many directions, encircling the young buffalo without giving it a chance to escape.

Amazing Buffalo Save Her Baby From Hyena | Hyena Hunting Fail - YouTube
The pitiful and pitiful cry of the young buffalo, he alone could not fight the hyenas. And the hope that the mother buffalo would come to the rescue did not come true, soon it became a delicious meal for the hyenas.