The serious mistake of the crocodile, daring to compete for territory with the hippopotamus and paying the price with a deadly life.

The war for territory of hippo took place extremely fierce. The crocodile saw a cool swamp nearby and it intended to come to cool off and take a dip in it.

But hippos have been there for a long time and are inhabited by hippos, large numbers of which surround the swamp.
The crocodile is proud and fearless, it goes there alone with an extremely proud and bold posture.

Seeing that, the hippopotamus immediately took action to chase away the crocodile, they rushed back into the air, using their big mouth to bite the crocodile. They continuously rushed to beat like that, the crocodile did not have time to counterattack but was brutally surrounded.
The crocodile’s fate may be buried in this swamp forever.