The strength of the family, the elephant brother used his trunk to kill the lion to save the newborn baby elephant.

The solidarity that protects members of a herd or a family of animals is extremely beautiful.
We will see how a brother elephant protects his brother elephant.

Elephants Facing Survival Challenges - Indianapolis Zoo
On the green and fresh grassland is where the elephants live, where the baby elephants play.
The atmosphere here is peaceful when suddenly running to the lions with the purpose of hunting elephants for today’s meal.

Incredible footage of elephant surviving attack by 14 lions - ABC7 Chicago
Two baby elephants are playing there, the older elephant teaches the newborn baby elephant not long ago about daily activities.
Suddenly the lion rushed to attack the baby elephant. The baby elephant was playing, scared to run away, the lion began to surround the baby elephant.

Real king of the jungle: Bull elephant chases lion who dares to disturb him  | Daily Mail Online
From two distances, the elder elephant saw his younger brother being surrounded by lions, he rushed forward like a rocket, constantly using his spear to hit the lion. The elephant’s attitude was extremely angry, the elephant’s blows were like fatal blows for a lion.
Seeing the situation like that, the lions could only flee to save their lives.