The tragic and tragic death of the baby buffalo lost its mother, became a delicious meal for the lion.

The green steppe is a place with an extremely fresh source of grass for many animals.
But so it is also a very dangerous place, because there are always predators that are always lurking and hunting at any time.

The Lumix Diaries 1/19/2015 Lions and Hyenas Clash | Natural Exposures, Inc.
A young buffalo is extremely confused in the middle of the meadow, maybe it is lost its mother and doesn’t know what to do.
Then suddenly in the distance, a big lion was approaching, it slowly approached and it thought it would catch the delicious bait easily.

Mother Buffalo Giving Birth To Baby Was Attacked By Lion And What Happened  Next? | Wild Animals
When he saw the lion approaching, the young buffalo was scared and did not dare to do anything but stood still and waited for death. It must be a newborn buffalo that has not been taught by its mother to run when an enemy comes.
It only knew how to stand still, and then what would come, would come, in just a moment the lion easily caught it.
It struggled in vain and had to accept the end of becoming a meal for the lion.