The war between antelope and lion was brutal and fierce, the antelope kicked the lion but was still eaten.

A lion hunt has taken place, what is the prey the lion is aiming for today?

An antelope is foraging in the grasslands and unaware that danger is near to them, seeing the big fat antelope ahead, a delicious meal unfolds before the lion’s eyes, the lion man human. The gang rushed out quickly to catch the gazelle.
A chase took place, the antelope saw danger, panicked and ran away. The lion rushed like a storm, chasing the gazelle. The antelope was very smart, it tried to find a way to counterattack, it tried to use its legs to kick the lion, but its strength was so weak that it could not kick, the lion quickly caught the antelope.

The antelope was overturned by the lion and unable to fight back, it finally accepted its fate as food for the lion.