The wild buffalo got stuck when being chased by a lion and there was a sudden “flip” when the wild buffalo herd rushed to rescue their comrades.

The impressive clash between a herd of lions and a herd of wild buffalo was recorded by ranger Pieter van Wyk at MalaMala Nature Reserve (South Africa), while Pieter was taking tourists to visit wild animals. in this conservation area.

Accordingly, the female lions surrounded the wild buffalo herd to get ready for the hunt. Despite being superior in both numbers and appearance, the wild buffalo herd still retreated and ran away when they saw the lions approaching.

The wild buffalo herd climbed to a high ground, then the strong male buffaloes formed a defensive wall to protect the young and old buffaloes. However, while running away, a large and old wild buffalo seemed not strong enough to climb the steep slope so it got stuck at the bottom.

Seeing that the wild buffalo was trapped and unable to run away, the lions immediately rushed forward to attack. It was thought that the lions would easily get delicious prey during their hunting trip because the prey could not resist, but something unexpected happened.

When seeing their fellow animals being attacked by lions, the strong wild buffaloes on high ground rushed down, used their horns to fight back and chase away the lions to protect the trapped buffalo.

After many efforts, the trapped buffalo was able to break free and climb to high ground, helping it escape its predators.

The lions tried to climb to high ground to pursue their prey, but the wild buffalo herd had the advantage of numbers and elevated terrain to help them repel the lions’ attacks.

In the end, the lions agreed to retreat without achieving any results from their hunting trip. Meanwhile, wild buffalo herds show that once they have enough confidence and bravery to fight off predators, they are completely strong enough to make the “lords of the steppe” panic.

The clip of the duel between a herd of lions and a herd of wild buffalos went viral after being posted on social networks.