The wildebeest got lost, surrounded by a herd of hyenas, and the cruel end to the body was broken to the wildebeest.

A brutal battle took place, a wildebeest was surrounded by hyenas.

The hyenas surrounded the wildebeest tightly, blocking in all directions so that the wildebeest had no chance to escape. Before the hyenas’ siege, the wildebeest was extremely panicked, it tried everything to find a way out to escape.
Some hyenas have started to attack, it dived at the wildebeest, using its sharp teeth to bite the body of the antelope. Seeing being attacked, the wildebeest tried to fight back, trying to use its horns to attack back. But in the face of danger and the large herd of hyenas, the wildebeest could not do anything.

It was painfully bitten in the abdomen by the hyena and it became a delicious meal for the cruel hyenas.