The zebra risked its life to attack the forest queen to protect its young, but it did not have a happy ending

The zebra desperately threw the lion to the ground with its body weight, causing the enemy to fall into a passive position.

A video recorded at Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya captured the moment a lion was counterattacked by a zebra after attempting to attack a member of their herd.

The zebra uses its body weight to knock the lion to the ground, making the hunter’s intentions increasingly difficult to carry out. The person who recorded the video, Graham Boulnois, also a zoo employee, recalled that the lion had previously attacked a cub in the herd while they were looking for food.

The alpha zebra actively attacks the lion to protect its young.
The alpha zebra proactively attacked the lion from the beginning to save the cub from the enemy. Being suddenly beaten, the king of the jungle could only find a way to escape from the zebra without intending to attack anymore.