Unbelievable! Lion in Agony as Buffalo Horns Pierce Its Head in a Head-On Confrontation.

A fierce and thrilling battle broke out between the lion and the buffalo.

Folklore | Why Lion Hunt Buffalo
The lion is known as the king of the jungle with his talent, hunting other animals is quite easy.
But today’s fight with buffalo shows one of the lion’s defeats at the hands of the horns of death.

Did you know that buffalo and lion are bitter enemies? | Exploring Africa
The lion had been observing the buffalo grazing for a long time, and it began to plan to prepare for the hunt.
The time has come, the lion rushes like a rocket to pounce on the buffalo.

Lion Vs Buffalo Who Will Win ? | Stylish Lion
As if detecting danger early on, the buffalo dodged and began to counterattack strongly, it used its horns to gouge the lion, causing the lion to be seriously injured.
Seeing that the buffalo was so aggressive, the lion was scared and ran away.