When African elephants are no longer funny, crocodiles are just “stuffed animals”

A rare video recording the scene of a mother elephant brutally attacking and killing a crocodile that was near its calf has shocked the online community.

The incident took place in Zambia and was recorded by cinematographer Hans Henrik Haahr. The video shows the huge mother elephant approaching the crocodile lying in the sun on the riverbank. Without hesitation, it began to attack the reptile by pushing hard with its mouth and head.

The poor crocodile was completely surprised by the elephant’s aggression. It tried to struggle free but failed. The mother elephant continued to use her superior strength to trample on the crocodile. It even uses its trunk to wrap around its prey and then throws it hard to the ground.

Due to the lack of tusks, mother elephants skillfully use their trunk, head, mouth and body weight to attack. The brutal attack only ended when the crocodile was motionless. Mr. Hans estimated that the elephant weighed from 2,700 to 3,600 kg and this was a size beyond the crocodile’s ability to resist.

Despite its sluggish and slow appearance, crocodiles are fearsome predators in nature, whether in water or on land.

To do that, crocodiles are blessed by nature with many advantages, suitable for hunting such as short, big, strong feet; powerful, flat, paddle-shaped tail at the back. Crocodile’s very sharp ears and nose help communicate and detect prey from far away. Eyes that can see clearly both day and night make it a comprehensive hunter.

In particular, the crocodile’s signature weapon lies in its extremely strong jaws with 24 sharp, pointed teeth that help it easily carve any animal, no matter how big it is. no matter what.

According to experts, the mother elephant’s aggressive behavior comes from her instinct to protect her young. Crocodiles are opportunistic predators and are known to be dangerous enemies of baby elephants.

“This mother elephant did not want to risk seeing the crocodile so close to her calf,” the description attached to the video said. “It decided to completely eliminate the threat from the crocodile to protect its young.”

In the video, one can see the mother elephant in the process of raising her baby. This further supports the assertion that the elephant attacked the crocodile to protect its young.

Although elephants are famous for being gentle creatures, they will become extremely aggressive when their offspring are threatened. Mother elephants are willing to fight to the death to protect their young from any danger, including large and dangerous predators like crocodiles.

“This is a reminder to never underestimate the maternal instincts of wild animals,” said Latest Sightings founder Nadav Ossendryver. “No matter how gentle they are, they will become scary when their children are in danger.”

This incident is a testament to the sacred motherly love and extraordinary strength of elephants. It is also a warning to people about respecting nature and keeping a safe distance from wild animals.