Wild buffalo shows its strength when surrounded by 21 lions

The clip was recorded by a tourist at the Kruger Nature Reserve (South Africa), showing the moment a group of lions surrounded and attacked an adult wild buffalo. Normally, wild buffalo will live and move in herds, but it is likely that this unfortunate wild buffalo was left behind when the lions attacked the buffalo herd.

The clip shows the wild buffalo running away while trying to counterattack the lions. Even though they were superior in numbers, the lion still had many difficulties in defeating the buffalo. Some lions tried to jump on the buffalo from behind, but were quickly knocked down by the buffalo.

However, while running away, the wild buffalo made the mistake of rushing towards the grove of trees, instead of continuing to run away on the grassland. Moving into the bushes narrows the space so the wild buffalo cannot comfortably cope with the lions’ attacks on all sides.

In the end, the wild buffalo had to meet a painful end when it became a meal for the lions, even though the buffalo had previously fought tenaciously against the predators.