With nothing to do in his free time, the wild horse teases the most dangerous crocodile in America for entertainment

America, besides the glamor of the most developed economy in the world with majestic skyscrapers and the luxurious lives of billionaires, is also known for its image of the Western cowboy.

Like the image of Lucky Luke portrayed in the comic book of the same name, American cowboys are boys wearing wide-brimmed hats, high-heeled boots, and proudly riding on horseback to travel around the world. everywhere and has a special talent for shooting guns with two hands, hitting every shot.

Lucky Luke’s companion is Jolly Jumper, the fastest horse in the Far West.

In fact, in everyday life, horses are also great assistants, an indispensable part in the lives of American cowboys.

Not only associated with cowboys, in many US states, horses are also a means of transportation for cavalry police forces.

Although they do not have “genuine” features like many modern vehicles today, horses are still popular with American police, used to patrol, chase criminals and help build relationships. closer to the people.

It can be seen that, over decades, horses have always been associated with the lives of American people, contributing to building symbols of American style.

Of course, horses in America also have liberal blood, speed and recklessness, and like to face challenges just like the American way of life.

The clip recorded by Krystal Berry at Paynes Praire National Animal Sanctuary, Florida, USA will show us the difference in the personality of American horses compared to horses born in other areas. .